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Is ADHD Genetic or Learned?

ADHD Counselling in St. Albans

It has been suggested by certain authors that ADHD is a controversial subject given the divided camps as to its aetiology. Namely, in the USA for example, it is seen as being “over diagnosed”.  Essentially, I have a problem with this.

I attended a CPD (continued professional development) webinar this evening.  As a mother of two neuro divergent (now older) children, I didn’t have to think twice about where I stood on the topic having spent the last 10 years researching its aetiology and its pervasive behavioural patterns over a child’s developmental journey and its effects on adults who were diagnosed later in life.

The webinar presented by a female clinician from New York centred in on the nature of social media effects on children and adolescents. It was very informative until someone in the group enquired about how social media and gaming effected ADHD individuals?  She (the clinician) then proceeded to say that ADHD was “learned” within this context because children and adolescents were seeking their next “dopamine squirts” due to parental negligence by allowing too many screen time hours and they (the parents) were also preoccupied by their own iPhones.  Please bear in mind that this clinician’s expertise was not in the field of neurodivergence.  Neither does she treat ADHD children and/or ADHD adults.

Understandably, too much screen time can be addictive and may exacerbate ADHD symptoms of hyperfixation.  But definitive conclusions that purport to ADHD’s aetiology such as too much screen time could be viewed as being negligent and misleading given other presenting variables.  Throughout my practice years of counselling parents of ADHD children.  I have witnessed them struggling to find solutions and best ways of parenting their neurodivergent child.  At junctures, parents feel that they have somehow failed their child because certain outcomes were not forthcoming due to preconceived ideas and misleading information on the topic of ADHD.

If you are seeking ADHD Counselling in St. Albans, I can answer most, if not all, of your super imposing questions that have probably invaded your peace of mind over and again.  This is very common amongst parents of ADHD children and understandable.

NHS ADHD screening in the UK is rigorous.  That you may depend upon. It isn’t a tick box exercise that is over diagnosed.  That is, if you can get an appointment given the sheer demand.  The truth is neurodiversity is quite prevalent and has been overlooked in the past by the medical establishment because of confounding asymptomatic anxiety and depression being treated instead.

ADHD is a bone fide neurodevelopmental condition.  And it comes with many gifts and advantages if we can get past the stigma of being ‘over diagnosed’. I treat Adult ADHD and couples who have a partner with ADHD.  Education and understanding the condition can not only change your perspective but can change the quality of your lives.

My ADHD Counselling in St. Albans offers supportive listening and advice to both parents of ADHD children and adults with ADHD.

If you feel that you would benefit from my ADHD supportive counselling, please contact me today at Penny Glazebrook Counselling and Psychotherapy.

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